The ACLU of North Carolina has launched The People’s University, an educational program series to connect community members, learn together, and cooperate to create systemic changes that challenge injustices. This page offers more information about our educational programs as well as free resources to stay involved. 

Things you should know about The People’s University:

  • It’s free. 
  • It’s a 6-part program that covers topics from Civics 101 to Abolishing the Criminal Legal System, with lots in between. 
  • The programs take place online, once a month, and the program instructors will make sure you have everything you need to take what you learn in the online classroom and be prepared to put that learning into action. 

Use the menu below to watch the recordings of our previous webinars and take a look at all of the materials available.


August 31, 2021: Not Yo Mama’s Civics 101 and Policy 101

Learn more about the legislative process and how we can actively advance progressive change or stop harmful legislation.

Recording of Not Yo Mama's Civics 101 and Policy 101 discussion: 

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October 14, 2021: Manufactured Scarcity: Budgets 101

Learn how decision-makers invest resources from our tax dollars into police, prisons, and divest from education, social services, and other resources that are proven to keep our communities safe.

Recording of Manufactured Scarcity: Budgets 101 discussion:

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City of Charlotte Budget Development
The ABCs of State Budgets, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
How State Budgets are Breaking Public Schools, TED-Ed

October 28, 2021: The People’s Budget: The Dream for our local communities

This unit takes for granted that another world is possible and envisions practices and policies of care that are costly but affordable if we reallocate our resources toward each other and away from harmful institutions and systems. 


How to Take Back the Budget, Community Resource Hub
Everywhere basic income has been tried, in one map, Vox
Participatory Budgeting

Coming soon: Abolition 101

The resources compiled in this unit provide an overview of abolition, and how it is the only goal that permanently eliminates the carceral state. Throughout, we provide resources that define abolition, carcerality, and imagine other possibilities. We will outline models you can implement in small ways in your communities that move us closer to a socially just society. 


What is the Prison Industrial Complex? What is Abolition?, Critical Resistance
Reformist reforms vs.abolitionist steps in policing, Critical Resistance
Ruth Wilson Gilmore Makes the Case for Abolition, The Intercept
Prison Abolition Syllabus, AAIHS

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